Boston Insemination Fertility Support Intrauterine (IUI) / Intracervical (ICI) Inseminations

Susana Mauzy IBCLC

Here at Nightingale, I believe that everyone should have the option of making your baby in as personal and private a way as you can, but sometimes we need help. Whether you’ve been trying for a while or just starting out, I’m here to help guide your fertility process with IUI and fertility assessment and support.

As an IUI parent myself, I know there are extra hurdles to cross that can feel insurmountable at times. I look forward to discussing any and all questions during our initial one hour consult.

- Susana Mauzy, IBCLC

What to expect with IUI Care

There are many different ways to start a family. It’s a joy to help clients at the very start of their parenting journey by being able to offer inseminations services. At our first meeting we will discuss optimizing fertility and some education around tracking your cycles. Then I will be on-call for you around ovulation to help with the insemination process.

Ovulating on a sunday?  No problem! Want to conceive a baby in your bed? Great!

I can inseminate with sperm purchased from a bank or offer a wash and an insemination if you have access to fresh sperm.

As a Certified Professional Midwife, I cannot prescribe fertility medication such as Clomid or the trigger shot. I also do not have an ultrasound to check for follicle development. I am happy to work with clients on these medications or working with a clinic to offer other fertility optimizations, provided that the other provider is informed that you are doing a home IUI or ICI.


$300 Insemination (in home or office)

$175 for a sperm wash (needed with fresh sperm)

*extra $40 for traveling 45+ min

Boston fertility services incude:

  • Basic fertility advice/assessment
  • Frozen sperm Intrauterine Inseminations
  • Sperm wash and fresh sperm inseminations
  • Office or in-home appointments
arlington Women's Health Midwifery Clinic
Arlington MA Nightingale Midwifery and Doula Services